Blog Updates

Lately I have been a writing machine and loving it! I hadn't written much of anything in a long time and I didn't know then, but I missed it. For me writing started in high school. I had a love for music and love the work of Jack Johnson in particular. To this day I love the lyrics he comes up with. They are so good! He will do this thing in particular where he ends a phrase with the first word of the next phrase. Here is an example from the song Sleep Through the Static "We say anytime, anywhere, just show your teeth and strike the fear of god wears camouflage, cries at night and drives a dodge. Pick up the beat and stop hogging the feast. That’s no way to treat an enemy". His flow is just awesome.

My early days of writing consisted of lyrics and poetry. I forced myself to write things over and over until I developed my own flow. I used to write songs all the time. Sometimes every day. It turned into how I would channel my emotions. Sadness and heartache was the best fuel. Writing got me through some hard times.    

Recently I have had a huge change in style. I have went from songs and poetry to copy writing and now I'm trying to pump out some articles. This recent change has made me think about writing as a job. It just sounds so awesome to me now. It's something that never struck me before and it has motivated me to write a lot!  

This blog is truing into my big writing project. I want develop my writing skills and learn a bunch of fun stuff on the way. You can expect a lot of posts! Some will be my thoughts on some important topics, so will be funny, and don't forget the weekly review.

Thanks for reading!